Happy New Year from the Illinois Truck Enforcement Association! Last week this blog had to focus on some of the negative outlooks moving into the new year, but now it’s time to get the glass half full! The article this week will highlight some upcoming events and initiatives of the ITEA. Calendar year 2015 was not a banner year for law enforcement, but it’s over now. Calendar year 2016 shows a lot of promise!
Training Bad news: the State of Illinois is broke. There is no budget. Without a budget the comptroller is not authorized to pay bills. Without funding, the sixteen Mobile Team Units (MTUs) managed by the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board are basically shutting down. This means continuing education for police officers statewide has ground to a halt.
Good news: the ITEA does not train through an MTU, rather through the Suburban Law Enforcement Academy. The truck officer training offered by the ITEA is of the highest quality and continues on with or without a budget from the State of Illinois. In April 2016, the ITEA is hosting it’s 40-hour Basic Truck Enforcement course. Now is the time to enroll!
Later in the fall of 2016, the ITEA will offer its signature 40-hour Advanced Truck Officer course. Also, during the late winter/early spring, the 8-hour ITEA Certification course will be held.
Events For the 5th consecutive year, the ITEA will have a booth at the Mid-west Truck & Trailer Show in Peoria, IL, February 5th & 6th. Never been there? Come stop by the ITEA booth and claim your free ITEA t-shirt! Every hour on the hour the ITEA will call a volunteer out of the audience to play a game called “Truck Cop Trivia” and have a chance to win some stellar prizes. This also may be the year the ITEA pinewood derby truck takes home the checkered flag!
On March 17th, the 5th Annual ITEA Conference will be held at North Central College in Naperville, IL. Speakers from the Illinois State Police, the Illinois Department of Transportation, the Illinois Secretary of State, the Specialized Carriers & Riggers Association, Oxcart Permit Systems and DuPage B.A.T.T.L.E. will be presenting. Lots of great prizes and raffles to be given away. There is room for 600 attendees. Registration is open now and costs $50 for ITEA members (be checking your email fora promo code), $75 for non-ITEA members! Truckers, attorneys and of course police officers are welcome!
Glenn Strebel Award At the 4th Annual ITEA Conference in January 2015, the ITEA presented McHenry County Deputy Andrew Thomas with the first Glenn Strebel Award for excellence in truck enforcement during the year 2014. Nominations for the 2015 award are now open and will close February 12th, 2016. DO you know a police officer who has shown the best of what law enforcement has to offer in his or her truck enforcement duties? If so, please nominate this fine public servant for the Glenn Strebel Award by clicking HERE.
Portable Scale Recertification Yeah, yeah, yeah…truckers hate portable scales. However, they are here to stay. Your local town with portables can either waste hundreds of dollars having scales annually recertified the expensive way, or they can do it the cheap ITEA way!
For five years, the ITEA has been multiple making runs each year to Springfield with a trailer full of portable scales to save local government (and taxpayers). This free service has saved Illinois taxpayers nearly $100,000 fulfilling an unfunded mandate, but it will end after this month…but for good reason! The ITEA will be announcing a new same-day certification plan for local police officers right here in the suburbs. Stay tuned!
501(c)(3) Did you know the ITEA is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit? This means you can donate to the ITEA at any time with a tax-deductible contribution. Feel free to contribute and help maintain the high-level of service provided to the law enforcement, trucking and legal communities served by the Association. Contributions can be made online by clicking HERE.
Blog The weekly articles will continue throughout the year, but will feature five new authors! Be prepared for new writing styles, new content and fresh perspectives.
2016 is going to be a great year and the ITEA is proud to partner with you all!

#truckers #OxcartPermitSystems #SuburbanLawEnforcementAcademy #ITEACertification #police #isp #IllinoisDepartmentofTransportation #IVC #legislation #professionalism #illinoisstatepolice #ITEA #IllinoisGeneralAssembly #IllinoisVehicleCode #trucking #MidwestTruckersAssociation #localpolice #DuPageBATTLE #lawenforcement #SecretaryofState #regulatory #certification #IDOT #IllinoisTruckEnforcementAssociation #annualconference #trucks #registration #SOS #SLEA #portablescales #cops