Welcome to 2013! It’s hard to believe a new year is already upon us. The year 2012 was a great year for the ITEA. We saw a spike in membership growth, built many new relationships within the trucking industry and law enforcement, and began laying the groundwork for some exciting new things in 2013. As we begin our 4th year as an organization, we want to give you a sneak peek as to where we are headed in the new year…
Conferences 2nd Annual Truck Officer Conference | This event is less than a week away! If you are not signed up, there are still some seats available. Do not miss this opportunity to learn about some major developments in truck enforcement world from leadership of the Illinois State Police, IDOT, Secretary of State, and the Illinois Commerce Commission. State and national leaders from the trucking industry will be on hand to discuss issues and answer questions as well. (oh yeah…you will have a chance to win an iPad Mini)
Human Trafficking | Enrollment continues to grow for this free training event on February 15th! In addition to our expert speaker from California, the Cook County State Attorney Office will be presenting. Also added to the lineup is a speaker from the Illinois Law Enforcement Training and Standards Board Executive Committee to discuss ongoing training efforts for police officers in Illinois. Incredible content for a horrific crime. Sign up now!!
Expos In mid-January, our good friends at the Illinois Landscape Contractors Association have welcomed the ITEA to the annual Mid-Am Horticultural Expo at Navy Pier. The first weekend in February, the Mid-west Truckers Association is again welcoming the ITEA to the Mid-west Truck & Trailer Show. Last year was a blast interacting with all the truckers. This year, MTA has asked the ITEA to provide a 45-minute educational seminar called “Put Your Mouth Where Your Money Is”. If you are a trucker, this is a GREAT show. Please stop by the ITEA booth at both shows.
Training 40-hour | The ITEA will again host a 40-hour basic truck enforcement class in April. If you know of officers who want high quality, hands-on training, this is the class. In the fall, the ITEA is planning on conducting a first ever “Advanced Truck Enforcement Officer” class instead of a basic truck enforcement class. This will be an intense study for officers who want to take enforcement to the next level. Stay tuned for more details.
8-hour | If you have been through a 40-hour basic truck enforcement class outside the ITEA, come get certified by the ITEA. The class is free for member police officers! Current certified ITEA officers will have the opportunity to re-certify online again this June.
Portable Scales | Tired of asking your boss for money to repair broken scales? There is a lot more you can do to repair and maintain your portable scales than just change batteries. The ITEA is working with scale manufacturers to put the final touches on a short class to teach officers basic maintenance of portable scales. Stay tuned for more details…this class is tentatively going to be held this Spring.
The ITEA will again be making two trips to Springfield to have portable scales recertified by the IDOA. This is a free service. Save your agency hundreds of dollars by not going to Springfield yourself or using a 3rd party scale company.
Chapters As the ITEA continues to grow, it is becoming a bigger challenge to interact and resource our membership on a personal level. In 2013, the ITEA will launch a new initiative called “Chapters” to allow for geographical ownership of the ITEA. Each Chapter will be open to police officers, truckers, and attorneys. ITEA leadership is currently in the planning stages. If you are interested in being part of the leadership of a chapter, please contact the ITEA.
The ITEA Foundation The ITEA is currently in the approval process with the IRS to create a separate 501(c)(3) not-for-profit. The Board of Directors has moved to create this Foundation for three reasons. First, to help support charity fundraisers hosted by our members. Second, to collect funds for our partner charities, Trucker Against Trafficking and the Law Enforcement Torch Run for Special Olympics. Lastly, to take advantage of grant monies available to create better training courses and materials for both law enforcement and the trucking industry. Oh yeah…get ready for the 1st Annual ITEA Foundation Golf Outing the summer of 2013.
Resources Resource Documents | The ITEA has updated several Standards of Practice and Resource Documents. Next week the blog will focus on a significant change to our CDL Flowchart. Thank you to McHenry County Deputy Andrew Thomas for researching and creating a new registration weight chart for the states surrounding Illinois. Two new resource documents are also in production and slated for release in February.
Circuit Clerk Fees | The ITEA has been working with the Illinois Association of Court Clerks to provide an online database of court fees that need to be collected in overweight bonds. Unfortunately many officers, within the same county, do not know the correct amount or are collecting different amounts! The working database is posted on our website. If the fees for your county are wrong, please contact your circuit clerk and have them submit a correction form. If your county does not have any fees listed, get on the horn and have the circuit clerk submit the fees to the ITEA.
Online Testing | If you are a member of the ITEA, whether you are in trucking, police work, or the legal community, you will be able to take advantage of free online quizzes to test your knowledge. Just log into our discussion forum and link to the quizzes. Our first quiz, new laws for 2013, is now posted for you to take. We will be posting more over time about specific topics.
The best way to stay informed is to stay involved! Thanks for being a part of the ITEA.

#truckers #ITEACertification #police #isp #IllinoisDepartmentofTransportation #courtfees #professionalism #illinoisstatepolice #ITEA #trucking #MidwestTruckersAssociation #localpolice #overweight #lawenforcement #SecretaryofState #certification #IDOT #IllinoisTruckEnforcementAssociation #trucks #registration #HumanTrafficking #SOS #portablescales #cops